Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gardening and an observation on compost

It has gotten really hot here, for April, so I set out three tomato plants. One is a grape tomato, one is an heirloom "German yellow" and one is called "Mortgage lifter." I couldn't resist. Apparently the guy who developed it in the '40s sold so many that it paid off his mortgage!

I gave each of them a nice dose of my homemade compost, which doesn't smell bad at all. Meanwhile, the neighborhood reeks from the county-supplied "leaf mulch" that everyone is using -- I can't even stand to have the windows open at night, or sit in the backyard to sip a glass of wine. So for everyone who is afraid compost will stink, I can only say, no.

I was also lucky enough to find a summer savory plant at the garden center this year. Usually I look to no avail.

These are all planted on the west side of my house, the only truly sunny spot, and a few feet in front of a west-facing brick wall that should keep them nice and warm if we have a cold spell. In fact, my only concern is that it will get TOO hot and I will have fried green tomatoes! Guess I'll be spending a lot of time watering.

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This is me enjoying a limoncello in Rome on the last night of our trip to Italy. Funny thing is, I don't really like limoncello that much, but thought it would be great in a dessert. And wouldn't you know, The Barefoot Contessa just did a great fruit salad with limoncello. So now I can't. Oh, well.